Friday, December 24, 2010

Zaman Batu: Satu Pembohongan Part 5

Sambungan dari Part 4

Dalam pengkelasan sejarah, evolusionis secara dogmatik mentafsir objek-objek yang ditemui berlandaskan teori mereka sendiri. Berdasarkan dakwan mereka terhadap kebanyakan ketamadunan purba, logam masih belum ditemui sewaktu Zaman Gangsa, dan besi hanya mula digunakan kemudiannya.

Kronologi Ciptaan Evolusionis

These pieces of copper, dating back to between 8,000 and 10,000 BCE, are believed to have been used as beads. The people of the time possessed the technical know-how to find copper ore and then work it.

Walau bagaimanapun, telah disebutkan sebelum bahawa besi, keluli dan logam lain teroksida dan reput lebih cepat berbanding batu. Sesetengah logam seperti gangsa mempunyai daya tahan terhadap pengoksidaan dan kekal lebih lama berbanding yang lain. Maka, memang wajar jika objek gangsa yang ditemui adalah lebih berusia daripada objek-objek yang diperbuat daripada besi.

Tambahan pula, adalah tidak logik untuk mengatakan bahawa masyarakat yang mampu menghasilkan gangsa tidak perasan akan kewujudan besi, dan masyarakat yang mempunyai kemahiran teknikal dalam penghasilan gangsa tidak menggunakan logam-logam lain.

Pieces Millions Of Years Old That Evolutionists Cannot Account For
According to the theory of evolution, living things evolved through specific stages, from a bacterium down to human beings, taking place in an imaginary sequence lasting millions of years. In this scenario, Man is the last evolved living thing and has completed his development within the last 20,000 years. Yet scientific findings and the fossil record provide not a single piece of evidence that such developments ever took place. In fact, they show that such is not possible.
Other findings include tools and decorative objects, once used by human beings, dating back millions of years. Darwinists are quite unable to place in their imaginary evolutionary tree any human beings who lived 50 or even 500 million years ago-a time when they maintain that there were no living things on Earth apart from trilobites. It's of course impossible for them to do so! God brought human beings into existence with the simple command "Be!" in the same way that He did all other living things. Therefore, we are just as likely to make discoveries regarding the remains of people who lived 500 million years ago as those of who lived 100 years ago. God, Who created all things out of nothing, can certainly bring into existence any living thing He wills, at whatever period in history He wills. This is of course an easy matter for God, with His infinite might and power. But Darwinists fail to comprehend this truth, which is why they have no explanation to offer for all the proofs of Creation. They have no other solution than to repeat scenarios that have already been undermined by scientific facts. But with every passing day, evidence from excavations being carried out further demolishes the dogma of evolution.
This metal sphere is just one of several hundred in one stratum in South Africa that is estimated to date back millions of years. The carefully shaped grooves that they contain cannot be the results of any natural phenomenon. This discovery shows that metal has been used since the very earliest times, and that for millions of years, humans have possessed the technology to make fine grooves in metal.

In 1912, two employees of the Municipal Electric Plant in Thomas, Oklahoma made an astonishing discovery as they were loading coal. They came upon a solid chunk of coal which was too large to use, so one of the employees broke it up. When he did so, he found an iron pot inside it. When it was removed, the outline or mold of the pot could be seen in a piece of the coal. After examining the coal, many experts stated that the pot had to be between 300 and 325 million years old. This finding cannot be accounted for by evolutionists, who maintain that the use of iron began in around 1,200 BCE.
The 5 June 1852 issue of Scientific American magazine carried a report regarding the discovery of the remains of a metallic vessel some 100,000 years old. This bell-shaped vessel resembled zinc in color, or a composition metal, with a considerable portion of silver. On its surface there were finely worked figures of bouquets or flowers, and vines or wreaths. Evolutionists, who claim that metal was not used in the very earliest periods, can't possibly account for this discovery. Clearly, the people who created this artifact possessed an advanced culture capable of producing metallic compounds and working metal.

Gangsa dihasilkan dengan mencampurkan timah, arsenik dan antimoni, serta sedikit zink dan tembaga. Mereka yang membuat gangsa mesti mempunyai pengalaman kerja berkaitan unsur-unsur kimia seperti tembaga, timah, arsenik, zink dan antimoni, tahu tahap suhu untuk mencairkannya, dan mempunyai relau untuk mencair dan menggabungkan mereka. Tanpa pengetahuan tersebut, adalah sangat sukar untuk menghasilkan campuran logam yang berjaya.

Bijih tembaga didapati dari batu keras dan usang dalam bentuk hablur (juga dikenali sebagai 'tembaga asli'). Masyarakat yang menggunakan tembaga terlebih dahulu harus mempunyai tahap pengetahuan untuk mengenal pasti serbuk tembaga daripada batuan pejal. Kemudian, lombong perlu dibina untuk mengekstrak, mengasing, dan membawa tembaga ke permukaan. Jelaslah bahawa tugas-tugas berkenaan tidak dapat dilakukan dengan perkakasan batu dan kayu.

Untuk mencairkannya, bijih tembaga mesti diletakkan di atas nyalaan api dengan suhu 1,084.5°C (1,984°F). Pam angin juga diperlukan untuk membekalkan aliran udara yang berterusan kepada api. Masyarakat yang bekerja dengan tembaga juga harus membina relau yang boleh menghasilkan suhu tinggi dan juga peralatan seperti periuk pelebur logam dan penyepit.

Ini adalah ringkasan berkaitan dengan kemudahan teknikal yang diperlukan untuk bekerja dengan tembaga - logam yang sememangnya terlalu lembut untuk bertahan lama terhadap sisi yang tajam. Penghasilan gangsa yang lebih keras dengan menambah timah, zink dan elemen lain kepada tembaga merupakan proses yang lebih canggih kerana setiap logam memerlukan proses berlainan. Semua fakta ini menunjukkan bahawa komuniti yang terlibat dengan perlombongan, penghasilan logam campuran dan pekerjaan logam harus mempunyai pengetahuan terperinci. Adalah tidak logik dan konsisten untuk mendakwa bahawa masyarakat dengan pengetahuan komprehensif sebegini tidak pernah menemui besi.

The pestle and mortar pictured here were discovered in 1877 in an ancient river bed under Table Mountain. The river bed is at least 33 million years old, proving that human beings have always lived human lives.
This fossilized shoe sole was found in a 213-million-year-old rock. Millions of years ago, people were wearing shoes, and doubtless had clothing, and enjoyed a culinary culture and rich social relationships. The only known photograph of this fossil was published in a New York newspaper in 1922. Discoveries like this, which refute the claim of the evolution of human history, are either concealed or ignored by evolutionists.
A shape resembling a human face has been engraved on this 3-million-year-old piece of flint. It's very difficult to make such regular holes in flint, and special metal tools are needed for the purpose. It is impossible for this to have been done under very primitive conditions, of the kind evolutionists suggest.

Sebaliknya, dakwaan evolusionis bahawa logam belum ditemui dan tidak diaplikasikan oleh masyarakat purbakala dibuktikan tidak benar oleh penemuan arkeologi. Bukti-bukti penemuan seperti tinggalan kenderaan air yang diperbuat daripada logam berusia 100,000 tahun, sfera logam berusia 2.8 bilion tahun, sebuah periuk besi yang dianggarkan berusia 300 juta tahun, serpihan tekstil pada tanah liat berusia 27,000 tahun, dan kesan-kesan logam seperti magnesium dan platinum yang berjaya dicairkan di Eropah ratusan tahun dahulu, tinggalannya berusia ribuan tahun.

Sisa-sisa yang berselerakan ini telah menghancurkan sepenuhnya klasifikasi Zaman Batu Kasar, Zaman Batu Gosok, Zaman Gangsa dan Zaman Besi. Tetapi, walaupun kebanyakan besar penemuan ini telah tercetak dalam banyak penerbitan saintifik, ianya masih diabaikan oleh saintis evolusionis atau mungkin juga disembunyikan di bawah muzium. Cerita rekaan evolusionis telah dipersembahkan sebagai sejarah manusia, bukannya fakta sebenar.

Bersambung ..


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